Bora 2011
In 2011, a beautiful Czech girl A by B UNIQUE Reshzone (called Bora) came to us, bred by Svatka Vitulova.
Bora was born on 23rd of March 2011, of very highly titled parents Dam : Shaggy (Multichamp. A`shaggy Re E`llama) and Sire :Indy ( Mutlichamp. Beyo-Bel Beau Skywalker Indy).
She is a real princess , very lively who has won our hearts with charm and beauty . She is doing very well on the shows, getting more and more excellent notes , but, first of all, she is simply a very happy, outgoing and friendly girl!
- In age 22 month she became Junior Champion of Poland and Champion of Poland.
- In age 2,5 year she became Champion of Lithuania.
- In year 2013 Bora won Club Show of KCHRR in Lukova and finally achieved title of Czech Champion !
- In the year 2014 she become the candidate for the title of Slovakian Champion . In July 2014 she fulfilled the requirement for the title Champion of Latvia!
- In August 2014 Bora become the new Estonian Champion and then she fulfilled the requirements to achieve the title BALTIC CHAMPION !
- In November 2014 she achieves the title of Dannish Champion and Dannish Winner 2014 !
- In 2015 at the Club Show KChRR in Vysokie Myto in Czech she become the best female head of the show! In June 2015 she obtain the title WINNER OF RR CLUB KRGS in Slovenia , Bled . She became the best bitch of the Club and the best rhodesian ridgeback at the Show.