Litter "J"
The puppies are 3 weeks old! They are strong , healthy and vivid. We have 3 standard males avaialble!
Puppies are almost one week old, the are very busy - eating and sleeping . Some of them doubled their birth weight!
Our puppies have the best daily care ever! Senior lady Bora - mother of Ida rushed to help young mummy . Bora takes care about puppies like her own. Ida accepted the help .
Puppies were born on 3rd March 2019. Our long awaited litter is already here! We have 9 males and 2 females, all with ridges. Puppies are strong and healthy .
Our most titled CIB Multichampion Multi Grandchampion IDA Pregowce z Jasienia
will be mother at the beginning of March 2019
The father of the upcoming litter will be C.I.B. Multichampion JWW`17 EW `17 Ndoki HIGHLANDER "Sonny"